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Mindful-communication edited.jpg

What difficulties are treated?

Specialising in the online treatment of Adults with acquired neurological communication and swallowing difficulties. Such as Aphasia, Dysarthria, Dysphagia, Stroke, Brain Injury and progressive neurological diseases.


What difficulties are treated?

Specialising in the online treatment of Adults with acquired neurological communication and swallowing difficulties. Such as Aphasia, Dysarthria, Dysphagia, Stroke, Brain Injury and progressive neurological diseases.



  • Aphasia is a language disorder that can affect comprehension and expression of language including spoken and written forms. 

  • Acquired apraxia of speech is a disorder characterised by the disruption to the selection, programming and control of the movements to produce sounds for speech.

  • Dysarthria is when the muscles used for speech are weak or difficult to control resulting in slow or slurred speech.

  • Dysfluency (Also known as stammering or stuttering) is when the fluency of speech is effected often resulting in repetitions of words or parts of words as well as prolongations of speech sounds.

  • Dysphagia is a disorder of swallowing food, liquid or saliva and is often resulting from a neurological or physical impairment of the mouth or throat.

  • Cognitive communication disorders are difficulties communicating due to cognitive impairments such as reduced self regulation and difficulties with social interaction.

  • Augmentative and Alternative communication strategies can help a person who is not able to use speech to communicate due to their physical or cognitive abilities. All strategies must be customised to meet the person's particular needs.





Kim Clarke, UK Online Speech & Language Therapy

Specialising in the online treatment of Adults with acquired neurological communication and swallowing difficulties. Such as Aphasia, Dysarthria, Dysphagia, Stroke, Brain Injury and progressive neurological diseases.

Kim Clarke, UK Online Speech & Language Therapy

Specialising in the online treatment of Adults with acquired neurological communication and swallowing difficulties. Such as Aphasia, Dysarthria, Dysphagia, Stroke, Brain Injury and progressive neurological diseases.


o   Stroke

o   Traumatic brain injury

o   Spinal injury

o   Brain Tumours


Treatment of Progressive Neurological Diseases

Specialising in the online treatment of Adults with acquired neurological communication and swallowing difficulties. Such as Aphasia, Dysarthria, Dysphagia, Stroke, Brain Injury and progressive neurological diseases.

Treatment of Progressive Neurological Diseases

Specialising in the online treatment of Adults with acquired neurological communication and swallowing difficulties. Such as Aphasia, Dysarthria, Dysphagia, Stroke, Brain Injury and progressive neurological diseases.


o   Parkinson's disease.

o   Motor neurone disease.

o   multiple sclerosis.

o   dementia.